1.   This May, for instance, be in the form of an endowment policy or a mortgage payment protection plan.

2.   The President condemned it as a taxpayer-financed incumbent protection plan.

3.   The Minister added that the Serbian government had drafted its first integral environmental protection plan.

4.   And while the Texas protection plan was suspected of including empty promises for future efforts, the Oregon plan was developed with a lot of public participation.

5.   All are backed by a consumer protection plan.

6.   Bush and his Cabinet allowed the expansion in Sarasota, even though the county had not yet completed its protection plan.

7.   But many said the church needs to do more than come up with a child protection plan.

8.   Faced with proposed changes to their job protection plan, legislators quickly took on self-protective tones.

9.   He did not provide details of an alternate protection plan, however, during his testimony Tuesday before the Assembly Insurance Committee.

10.   Irritation exploded into fury here in January, when a federal judge in Hawaii ordered all these activities shut down until the Forest Service revised its salmon protection plans.

n. + plan >>共 691
peace 10.16%
health 5.86%
business 2.76%
government 2.38%
pension 2.21%
retirement 2.19%
expansion 2.13%
budget 1.91%
action 1.82%
tax 1.71%
protection 0.21%
protection + n. >>共 281
program 8.22%
law 7.21%
money 5.35%
force 4.11%
agency 3.83%
measure 3.49%
order 3.49%
system 3.38%
plan 2.82%
agreement 2.59%
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