1.   Prosecution lawyers face a daunting obstacle-race across uncharted territory.

2.   The prosecution lawyer asked his witness a question.

3.   The prosecution lawyer challenged the sentence as being unduly lenient.

4.   Brazilian environmentalists have expresssed outrage at the ruling, which has also been strongly criticised by the prosecution lawyer.

5.   It will give prosecution lawyers a right to appeal against a court decision to grant bail.

6.   The prosecution lawyer drew himself up, and launched into his opening attack.

7.   And the prosecution lawyers were silent, letting his testimony unwind without a single objection.

8.   In an earlier case in which several army generals were questioned, they claimed, according to the prosecution lawyer, not to remember even the most simple facts.

9.   Lawrence Teele, a school custodian, said while walking home in Harlem on Saturday that the prosecution lawyers had lacked passion and conviction.

10.   Such is the sense of cause the trial has acquired that Chris Darden, the black prosecution lawyer, has been accused of being a sellout to his race.

n. + lawyer >>共 374
defense 49.20%
trial 7.33%
government 5.92%
defence 4.42%
immigration 1.80%
tax 1.53%
company 1.46%
labor 1.27%
industry 1.15%
divorce 1.05%
prosecution 1.00%
prosecution + n. >>共 164
witness 32.76%
team 7.58%
case 6.48%
lawyer 4.30%
request 4.23%
evidence 3.69%
official 3.41%
source 2.66%
expert 1.64%
claim 1.43%
每页显示:    共 63