1.   Advantageous as that is in its proper place it would be disastrous if such numbers turned up as eigenvalues.

2.   Certainly, these are important highlights and should be given their proper place and emphasis in the narrative.

3.   Encouraging and enabling the laity to take their proper place in the Church?

4.   Everything was in its proper place.

5.   Fred was in the kitchen tidying up and putting the freshly washed pots and pans in their proper places.

6.   It all comes back to putting technology in its proper place - wherever you are.

7.   Make sure you put everything back in its proper place.

8.   She demanded strict ritual performances from them, a proper place to live, sacrificial objects and so on.

a. + place >>共 708
second 7.66%
first 6.84%
third 5.72%
public 3.05%
fourth 2.51%
good 2.49%
right 2.35%
last 2.27%
only 2.11%
same 1.75%
proper 0.42%
proper + n. >>共 1493
procedure 2.97%
way 2.16%
care 2.08%
place 1.70%
use 1.58%
treatment 1.52%
document 1.31%
training 1.13%
permit 1.10%
burial 1.09%
每页显示:    共 112