1.   You can propagate sagos from fertilized seed or from offsets you see on the trunk.

2.   You can propagate sagos from fertilized seed or from those offsets you see on or at the base of the trunk.

3.   You can propagate sagos from fertilized seed or from those offsets you see on the trunk.

4.   You can propagate sagos from offsets from the mother plant or from fertilized seeds.

v. + sago >>共 3
propagate 57.14%
move 28.57%
harvest 14.29%
propagate + n. >>共 104
plant 14.19%
idea 3.87%
ideology 2.58%
sago 2.58%
tree 2.58%
faith 1.94%
religion 1.94%
activity 1.29%
arm 1.29%
disease 1.29%
每页显示:    共 4