1.   Also receiving determinate prison sentences are those whose offence is reduced to manslaughter on a combined plea of provocation and diminished responsibility.

2.   Any attempts to lessen his prison sentence will cause public outrage.

3.   Because his prison sentences run concurrently, he could be free in two years.

4.   Conviction for such an offence carries a five-year prison sentence.

5.   Drink-driving should carry an automatic prison sentence.

6.   Drink-driving, for example, should carry an automatic prison sentence.

7.   Each count carried a five-year maximum prison sentence.

8.   ExUnited Way chief William Aramony gets a seven-year prison sentence for embezzlement.

9.   Giving a prison sentence is only one of the options open to the judge.

n. + sentence >>共 160
death 34.69%
life 22.54%
prison 20.41%
jail 9.48%
five-year 1.28%
three-year 1.08%
two-year 0.94%
six-year 0.90%
one-year 0.82%
four-year 0.80%
prison + n. >>共 364
sentence 14.69%
term 11.28%
official 9.18%
guard 5.33%
system 3.38%
authority 2.84%
condition 2.63%
time 2.57%
cell 2.29%
officer 1.90%
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