1.   This new power to presume guilt of unspecified offences was advertised as a unique response to the unique evil of drug trafficking.

2.   It presumed guilt without due process.

3.   Theologians contend the process, headed by Ratzinger, is overly secretive, lacks due process, presumes guilt, and gives scholars little opportunity to defend themselves.

4.   In Chinese trials, guilt is presumed and lawyers counsel their clients to adopt a repentant attitude in hopes of winning a lighter sentence.

5.   They say a fair trial is impossible in a nation where their daughter is widely vilified and most Peruvians presume her guilt.

v. + guilt >>共 143
admit 24.59%
deny 14.18%
feel 8.14%
prove 4.83%
acknowledge 3.02%
assuage 2.26%
confess 1.96%
accept 1.66%
have 1.51%
confirm 1.51%
presume 0.75%
presume + n. >>共 60
innocence 8.86%
guilt 6.33%
man 5.06%
people 3.80%
kind 2.53%
person 2.53%
worst 2.53%
victory 2.53%
budget 1.27%
bus 1.27%
每页显示:    共 5