1.   There is no prescribed form of request for an originating application but the form for fixed date actions may be used and adapted as appropriate.

2.   The problem is largely ameliorated by amendments to the prescribed forms for giving notice of payment in which require the defendant to state the relevant deduction withheld.

3.   It is important that applicants follow the procedure of applying on prescribed forms.

4.   No prescribed form of application.

5.   Search by letter, or use the prescribed form and enclose a clear and exact plan, to the Survey Department, British Coal relevant area office.

6.   The forms set out in this book follow the prescribed forms as nearly as circumstances permit and it is thought that they will be acceptable to HM Land Registry.

7.   The patron chooses the play, which follows a prescribed form, but improvisation is often allowed.

8.   However, no one has been executed yet since the country does not have a gas chamber, the prescribed form of execution.

9.   Some of the callers said that executions should be held in public while others worried that lethal injection-- the prescribed form of execution, would be too painless.

a. + form >>共 1044
new 4.73%
different 2.77%
top 2.24%
current 1.87%
common 1.78%
good 1.57%
human 1.28%
present 1.27%
rare 1.20%
traditional 0.94%
prescribed 0.08%
prescribed + n. >>共 170
drug 11.48%
medication 7.95%
burn 5.74%
fire 3.97%
limit 2.87%
route 2.87%
treatment 2.65%
form 1.99%
dose 1.55%
number 1.55%
每页显示:    共 9