1.   ------ Prepaid phone cards.

2.   How about prepaid telephone cards?

3.   Prepaid lunch cards.

4.   The company, which he runs with his brothers and father, markets prepaid phone cards used by corporations as promotional items.

v. + card >>共 516
use 8.18%
play 6.51%
issue 4.40%
send 3.59%
have 2.92%
receive 2.76%
get 2.44%
sell 2.02%
hold 1.89%
accept 1.83%
prepay 0.13%
prepay + n. >>共 22
mortgage 31.25%
loan 20.00%
card 5.00%
debt 5.00%
expense 5.00%
bill 3.75%
tuition 3.75%
bond 2.50%
call 2.50%
part 2.50%
每页显示:    共 4