1.   Although the American military is famous for its high-technology precision weapons, the Pentagon has relied on some of its oldest arms to attack Taliban ground forces.

2.   Bush said that the increased spending would pay for salary increases, precision weapons, unpiloted aircraft and high-tech battlefield communications equipment, among other needs.

3.   But while the president praised the precision weapons used in Afghanistan, there was no talk about sacrificing unnecessary Cold War armaments and bases.

4.   Grad missiles, which were a main element in the destruction of Grozny exactly a year ago, are the opposite of precision weapons.

5.   He said Tuesday night that the money should be used to buy precision weapons, raise salaries for personnel and replace aging aircraft.

6.   High-technology precision weapons, guided by aircraft and ground commandos, enabled a ragtag opposition to rout the once-feared Taliban army.

7.   In a world dominated by long-range, intelligent precision weapons, the first blow can prove decisive.

8.   In his Lexington office, Raytheon chief executive Daniel Burnham says the company is prepared to capitalize on the new emphasis on surveillance and precision weapons.

9.   Neither is a precision weapon, but precision is not the goal.

10.   Munitions makers can also count on new orders for items like cruise missiles and other kinds of precision guided weapons.

a. + weapon >>共 559
automatic 9.86%
chemical 9.65%
heavy 7.50%
biological 5.79%
illegal 3.97%
new 2.94%
concealed 2.46%
banned 1.73%
suspected 1.57%
deadly 1.48%
precision 0.22%
precision + n. >>共 150
instrument 14.25%
weapon 7.24%
machinery 4.44%
farming 3.27%
pass 3.04%
attack 2.57%
machine 2.34%
equipment 2.34%
engineering 2.10%
munition 1.87%
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