1.   Each chapter features poster art from Best Picture winners, stills from nominated movies, photos from the ceremony and, often, pictures of the production numbers.

2.   Included are Disney poster art, magazine covers, and designs for CD and record jackets for the Rolling Stones, Duke Ellington and the Beach Boys.

3.   Included are Disney poster art, magazine covers, and designs for CD and record jackets for the Rolling Stones, Duke Ellington, and the Beach Boys.

4.   Most surprisingly, their outfits flout the red and black color scheme that rules so much of this poster art.

5.   The young Toulouse-Lautrec became attracted to the possibilities of the medium after seeing an exhibit of works by Jules Cheret, considered the father of Parisian poster art.

n. + art >>共 284
clip 6.48%
installation 4.40%
outsider 3.89%
trophy 3.76%
cover 3.63%
rock 3.63%
body 3.37%
language 2.72%
wall 2.20%
theater 1.94%
poster 0.65%
poster + n. >>共 107
boy 35.73%
child 23.49%
campaign 4.89%
board 4.73%
girl 4.40%
artist 1.14%
contest 1.14%
bed 0.98%
advertising 0.82%
art 0.82%
每页显示:    共 5