1.   This gives the slope of the CML and hence the measure could be used to position portfolio performance in the risk return space.

2.   How has modern portfolio theory been used to evaluate portfolio performance and show how and why you might expect to find different performance rankings from the different measures.

3.   All I can suggest is that such funds have doubtless played a good part in the overall portfolio performance with which you seem to be satisfied.

4.   Institutional investors are also moving back into the market to improve their portfolio performances for quarterly and annual reports to clients.

5.   Investors have telephone access to portfolio performance, account balances and transaction information.

6.   Nevertheless, small investors should be aware of their total costs and the effect of fees on portfolio performance.

7.   So I suggest averaging the two, and using this composite in judging portfolio performance.

8.   The portfolio performance, tracked by Lipper Analytical Services in Summit, N.J., excludes taxes because many people invest retirement money in tax-deferred accounts.

9.   The portfolio performance, tracked by Lipper Analytical Services, excludes transaction costs, sales charges and taxes.

10.   The portfolio performance, tracked quarterly by Lipper, excludes taxes, because many people invest retirement money in tax-deferred accounts.

n. + performance >>共 808
student 4.31%
job 3.76%
on-time 2.36%
investment 2.26%
year 1.98%
dance 1.91%
school 1.44%
company 1.40%
season 1.37%
business 1.37%
portfolio 0.38%
portfolio + n. >>共 154
manager 47.99%
investment 7.11%
company 3.65%
management 2.81%
investor 2.43%
holding 1.87%
adjustment 1.40%
change 1.22%
performance 1.12%
diversification 1.03%
每页显示:    共 12