1.   And there is what Mathew Greenwald, a market researcher who polls people on retirement issues, calls the sociability aspect.

2.   Critics say the PUC would have found even more frustrated consumers had it also polled people who filed complaints by telephone.

3.   For the first time, the Gallup Organization even polled people on which candidate was better-looking.

4.   She said political campaigns use partisan polling to test attack lines much the same way that marketers poll people to try out new slogans for products.

5.   Where are the people polled?

6.   Organizers of the ceremony did not specify how many people were polled.

7.   About a thousand people were polled in early August in Britain, Germany, Italy and France by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press.

8.   Five hundred people were polled.

9.   It did not say how many people were polled or give a margin of error.

10.   The announcement did not specify how many people were polled.

v. + people >>共 706
kill 16.68%
injure 6.37%
arrest 4.06%
wound 2.62%
help 1.81%
have 1.53%
treat 1.41%
see 1.30%
detain 1.12%
keep 1.11%
poll 0.03%
poll + n. >>共 148
place 17.23%
day 7.14%
member 3.99%
datum 3.78%
official 3.36%
firm 2.94%
people 2.52%
show 2.10%
agent 2.10%
jury 2.10%
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