1.   A pointing tool is an elongated S-shaped steel bar and makes pressing the mortar in place easy.

2.   A. When you insert new mortar beween bricks, there is no waiting period before pressing the mortar compactly with a pointing tool.

3.   How long should I let the mortar set before using a pointing tool to press in the mortar?

4.   To compress the mortar, use a pointing tool, an elongated S-shaped flat bar.

5.   Use the pointing tool to push it from the trowel into the joint.

6.   You can use the trowel upside down to hold the mortar so it can be pushed into the joint by the pointing tool.

a. + tool >>共 1017
new 4.89%
marketing 4.12%
powerful 3.53%
important 3.08%
useful 2.70%
effective 1.93%
valuable 1.66%
political 1.58%
stone 1.54%
teaching 1.48%
pointing 0.12%
pointing + n. >>共 27
device 30.95%
finger 29.37%
stick 6.35%
gun 4.76%
tool 4.76%
arrow 2.38%
system 2.38%
control 1.59%
dog 1.59%
hand 1.59%
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