1.   At the half way point of their journeys, are they at their furthest point from the Earth?

2.   The arrow will point from A to B in the functional dependency illustrated in the definition.

3.   And from this point on, erm he, having given away a substantial erm amount of his private fortune, I think that T.

4.   And there are arrows pointing directly from the candidates to the hole.

5.   A thick arrow pointed from the Democratic ticket to the corresponding punch hole.

6.   But what about the loss of canine IQ points from contact with such dumb material?

7.   It was nothing personal, and from his point of view, always necessary.

8.   Mike Tyson, regardless of what he does from this point on, will be remembered for serving a prison term for rape.

9.   One after another, the witnesses pointed from the stand toward Hill, who sat between his former defense lawyers, whom the court had now designated his consultants.

v. + from >>共 1015
learn 3.51%
make 3.43%
die 3.01%
ban 2.92%
hang 1.50%
profit 1.45%
shy_away 1.36%
disappear 1.35%
report 1.33%
watch 1.22%
point 0.04%
point + p. >>共 49
toward 31.18%
in 26.62%
for 5.20%
with 5.20%
down 4.28%
of 3.01%
across 2.92%
from 2.73%
into 2.46%
on 2.46%
每页显示:    共 30