1.   He stressed again that any conclusion about what caused the plane to crash during a light snowstorm is still months away.

2.   Read in studio An inquest has been told that a plane crashed because it had a flat battery.

3.   The plane crashed a kilometre from the runway.

4.   The plane crashed in the Andes.

5.   The plane crashed into a mountain.

6.   The plane crashed into a suburb of Paris, demolishing several buildings.

7.   The plane crashed into the side of the mountain and burst into flames.

n. + crash >>共 441
plane 32.19%
helicopter 12.06%
jet 5.00%
car 4.57%
aircraft 4.57%
airplane 1.86%
computer 1.21%
bus 1.16%
airliner 1.16%
system 1.13%
plane + v. >>共 391
be 14.01%
crash 9.42%
fly 6.48%
land 4.37%
take 3.86%
go 2.89%
have 2.75%
carry 2.72%
hit 2.46%
return 2.41%
每页显示:    共 1133