1.   Legend has it that the bridge got its name from the plaintive cries of the prisoners as they were escorted across it.

2.   They lay on the firm sands, listening to the plaintive cry of the seagulls.

3.   We could hear the plaintive cry of a wounded animal in the woods.

4.   All of a sudden, a plaintive cry was heard.

5.   Flailing his arms and trumpeting his plaintive cries, he seemed like a big dog on its hind legs begging for a treat.

6.   For hunters, the mourning dove is the favorite, its name a reference to its plaintive cry.

7.   From the stunned stands came a plaintive cry.

8.   His was a plaintive cry.

9.   It was left to Dalal, Dibben and Malone to provide the electricity of youthful creativity and to Tommy Hilfiger to issue a plaintive cry for lost youth.

10.   Politicians, meanwhile, have failed Eileen Corcoran, whose plaintive cries for help have fallen on deaf ears.

a. + cry >>共 238
rallying 25.68%
good 4.99%
full 3.42%
anguished 2.43%
little 2.14%
plaintive 2.14%
new 1.85%
desperate 1.71%
shrill 1.43%
faint 1.14%
plaintive + n. >>共 56
cry 15.79%
note 6.32%
melody 5.26%
voice 3.16%
beauty 3.16%
wail 3.16%
howl 2.11%
music 2.11%
appeal 2.11%
sound 2.11%
每页显示:    共 15