1.   He withdrew the needle and placed a pad of cotton-wool over the spot.

2.   A rescuer attaches the microphone to the top of the carotid artery with adhesive and places the pad on the chest cavity.

3.   Gel is put on both sides of the heel, where two soft rubber pads are placed.

4.   Place one pad over each eye, lie back and relax.

5.   Place another pad on the ceiling where the top plate will be attached.

6.   Specific pads are placed at different locations in each level where players can save, but they are almost a half-hour of gameplay apart.

7.   Stop drafts from wall switches and outlets by placing foam pads behind the face plates.

8.   The pad is placed over the urinary opening and left in place for two to five hours at a time and overnight.

9.   The pad is placed between the lower cheek and gum for two minutes and the specimen is placed in a sealed vial for shipment to a lab.

v. + pad >>共 137
wear 10.81%
land 9.01%
use 6.01%
have 3.30%
put_on 3.30%
place 2.70%
shoulder 2.10%
get 1.80%
hit 1.80%
take 1.80%
place + n. >>共 1240
order 3.61%
emphasis 3.23%
bet 2.07%
bomb 1.74%
call 1.63%
restriction 1.61%
child 1.50%
ad 1.45%
blame 1.39%
limit 1.29%
pad 0.07%
每页显示:    共 9