1.   Debts to the people smugglers are paid off over three to seven years, when other relatives follow.

2.   Prime Minister John Howard recently adopted a hardline stance against people smugglers, turning away boats headed for Australia and refusing to allow refugees disembark.

3.   Also, many refugees have been told by people smugglers that Australia accepts asylum seekers easily.

4.   Ashmore and Christmas Islands are the remote Australian outposts most often used by people smugglers as dumping points for asylum seekers because of their proximity to Indonesia.

5.   Australian Prime Minister John Howard in August began turning away boatloads of refugees in a policy he says is aimed at deterring people smugglers and illegal immigration.

6.   Both sides have committed to keeping up a strict new policy of turning away asylum seekers trying to sneak into Australia aboard boats run by people smugglers.

7.   Canberra uses navy ships to patrol waters between Indonesia and northern Australia to prevent people smugglers dumping boatloads of asylum seekers along the remote coastline.

8.   Forleo was in a police helicopter chasing the boat of people smuggler Vito Ferrarese.

9.   He called on Turkey to take tougher measures against people smugglers.

10.   He claims this will send a signal to people smugglers that Australia will not tolerate their illegal trade.

n. + smuggler >>共 66
drug 59.79%
people 7.13%
arm 4.86%
immigrant 3.79%
heroin 3.34%
narcotic 2.12%
weapon 1.52%
cocaine 1.37%
marijuana 1.37%
cigarette 1.21%
people + n. >>共 769
close 14.57%
dead 8.46%
hostage 3.07%
skill 2.16%
smuggler 1.72%
familiar 1.46%
say 1.39%
talk 1.28%
access 1.28%
do 1.13%
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