1.   This way you can drop the URL of your site into conversation whenever people post messages relevant to your site.

2.   At a Web site sponsored by Missourians for Personal Safety, several people posted suggestions on ways to tighten the proposal to make it more acceptable.

3.   At least half a dozen people have posted the quotation on Web pages, attributing it to Wilde without referring to an essay, a play or an occasion.

4.   But if people with problems post them in the right online message boards, they can pick the brains of dozens of technical experts to hammer out solutions.

5.   Credible recruiting services now have their own Web sites, some with interactive chat lines and bulletin boards where people can post information using anonymous nicknames.

6.   For instance, the software shows you how to find and use newsgroups, where people post comments about subjects that range from wine to finance.

7.   In recent days, one or more people have anonymously posted the formula on electronic bulletin boards on computer networks around the world.

8.   More and more people are posting their resumes on the web and tailoring them to the medium, such as using keywords that employers are likely to search for.

9.   Most people post messages under assumed names.

10.   People post requests and artists post the renderings, free.

n. + post >>共 469
company 10.09%
stock 8.28%
bond 3.95%
price 2.39%
market 2.10%
index 2.10%
government 1.71%
retailer 1.46%
indicator 1.36%
people 1.27%
people + v. >>共 719
be 13.89%
have 4.14%
die 3.56%
say 2.67%
think 2.15%
want 2.12%
get 1.42%
go 1.34%
come 1.33%
take 1.32%
post 0.03%
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