1.   And as long as you pay by credit card, you have the peace of mind of being covered against fraud.

2.   And, you will find that paying by Switch does not restrict you to your cheque card limit.

3.   Can I pay by cheque?

4.   Can I pay by credit card?

5.   Embarrassed, she paid by cash and wrestled with her conscience all the way home.

6.   He had paid by credit card.

7.   I filled up with petrol and then paid by cheque.

8.   I wanted to pay by cheque but the landlord insisted that I pay him in cash.

9.   If by fair you mean that everyone pays the same proportion of his income in taxes, the flat tax comes closer.

10.   If you paid by postal order, take the counterfoils to the post office for a refund.

v. + by >>共 1204
direct 1.69%
be 1.60%
speak 1.28%
begin 1.28%
win 1.21%
write 1.19%
judge 1.07%
start 1.05%
produce 1.01%
do 0.98%
pay 0.34%
pay + p. >>共 92
in 22.93%
off 16.99%
on 10.89%
with 9.42%
down 8.38%
by 5.09%
at 3.58%
from 2.44%
through 2.16%
out_of 2.14%
每页显示:    共 257