1.   Both machines have a pause button for interruptions.

2.   Every few seconds, Jody hits the pause button, freezing a frame to show them how out of position they are.

3.   Everything freezes on the court, like some one has hit the pause button and suspended the characters in a movie.

4.   Press the pause button.

5.   Remember when we talked about the pause button on a video camera?

6.   Please hit the pause button on the remote control.

7.   Has the pause button fallen off here or something?

8.   Be prepared to hit the pause button.

9.   A button with a slightly red hue triggers the shutter or starts recording, depending on your mode, and also functions as a pause button.

10.   But when my dream takes a wrong turn, I hit the pause button on my dream machine and make corrections.

n. + button >>共 308
mouse 12.85%
campaign 4.32%
pause 3.24%
reset 2.64%
release 2.40%
call 2.28%
alarm 2.04%
snooze 2.04%
brass 1.56%
control 1.56%
pause + n. >>共 8
button 77.14%
facility 5.71%
call 2.86%
control 2.86%
function 2.86%
mode 2.86%
pause 2.86%
time 2.86%
每页显示:    共 27