1.   ...the papal nuncio.

2.   As Zuccotti notes, Pius, former papal nuncio in Germany, even rejected the urging of a friend, Bishop Konrad von Preysing in Berlin, to intercede.

3.   For what, one wonders, does he pay the papal nuncio in Washington?

4.   Jin also said that the Vatican and China were engaged in a dialogue and that he dreamed of seeing a papal nuncio in Beijing.

5.   The idea came from Archbishop Pietro Sambi, the papal nuncio in Israel, who has contacts in Italian show business.

6.   The papal nuncio to the United Nations, the Rev. Renato R. Martino, officiated at the wedding.

7.   The Rev. Pietro Sambi, the papal nuncio here, says he will have concerns about access to holy sites whoever has political control.

8.   Ultimately, the prospects are reviewed by the archbishop, the papal nuncio and the Vatican Congregation for Bishops in Rome.

9.   Within minutes, as the papal nuncio launched into a lengthy speech, bishops sitting just inches from the slumped protester had fallen asleep at their desks.

10.   A French anti-abortion activist who was demanding political asylum from the Vatican left the Paris residence of the papal nuncio Thursday after spending the night there, police said.

a. + nuncio >>共 5
papal 77.08%
apostolic 16.67%
first 2.08%
former 2.08%
new 2.08%
papal + n. >>共 273
visit 26.07%
trip 4.94%
spokesman 3.68%
nuncio 3.59%
envoy 2.62%
cross 2.33%
authority 2.03%
audience 1.84%
event 1.36%
infallibility 1.36%
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