1.   A statement to output data to an output port.

2.   All MiniDisc recorders have optical input ports that allow audio recording from any device with an optical output port without loss of sound quality.

3.   It has one output port linking it to the television.

4.   Run a length of coaxial cable from the output port on the VCR to the input port on the television.

5.   Screw a coaxial cable cable onto the empty output port on the splitter.

6.   Run a line from one output port on the splitter to the input port on the cable box.

7.   Run a line from the cable box output port to the input port on your VCR.

8.   That pod also includes analog input and output ports.

9.   The system comes with a selection of adapters to connect to differing output ports, and It has a microphone attachment for sets without an output port.

n. + port >>共 164
sea 11.23%
datum 8.52%
river 6.65%
ferry 3.12%
printer 2.49%
computer 2.29%
mainland 2.08%
cruise 1.87%
output 1.87%
border 1.66%
output + n. >>共 136
cut 9.45%
figure 6.43%
capacity 5.86%
level 5.10%
datum 5.10%
growth 5.10%
quota 4.35%
price 3.02%
increase 2.65%
policy 2.08%
port 1.70%
每页显示:    共 9