1.   It is considered complete when the neural network produces the required outputs for a given sequence of inputs.

2.   The simpler level is a search for the correct output for some particular instance.

3.   Government statistics show the largest drop in industrial output for ten years.

4.   Thus, Scotch Whisky company purchases of inputs constitute outputs for their immediate suppliers.

5.   According to one, data especially on output for the immediate post land reform period were later corrected and adjusted by officials causing one to question its credibility.

6.   And that extra output for the same labor cost helped to improve profits, economists said.

7.   At the same time, though, manufacturers of electrical machinery, industrial goods, computers and paper products reported increased output for the month.

8.   Australian coal producers and Japanese steelmakers are divided over expectations of Japanese steel output for next year.

9.   Bayway was running at reduced output for about three weeks.

10.   A third survey, on industrial output for June, showed the smallest increase in nine months.

n. + for >>共 1471
spokesman 1.89%
support 1.76%
time 1.36%
plan 1.28%
money 0.91%
call 0.90%
way 0.79%
price 0.67%
candidate 0.66%
lawyer 0.65%
output 0%
output + p. >>共 48
of 30.08%
in 17.82%
from 12.69%
at 6.81%
for 5.38%
to 5.29%
by 4.71%
per 3.53%
with 1.76%
as 1.60%
每页显示:    共 64