1.   Each student will be asked to negotiate a leadership role on at least one occasion and take full responsibility for organising an activity for the group.

2.   At Level Two students will plan and organise enterprise activity, taking into account their personal abilities, preferences and the goals which they have set for themselves.

3.   Amway managing director Choong Lai Huat said the company has contributed products and funds, set up an education fund and organised activities for Ruman Tunas Harapan.

4.   Chua said the centre also organises several activities related to each unit in the curriculum outside class hours.

5.   Chua said the centre has also organised several activities related to each unit in the curriculm outside class hours.

6.   Dr Latiff said the State Government would help the association in organising its activities through the Rakan Rekreasi.

7.   He believed a major part of campus life should focus on organising activities or attending seminars on different topics, such as current affairs.

8.   He said private organisations, agencies and associations should help organise cultural activities.

9.   He said the relevant authorities in Perlis could help stem this trend by organising beneficial activities for youths during the school breaks.

10.   Instead the CP will organise activities like youth programs and health seminars.

v. + activity >>共 792
monitor 2.80%
limit 2.16%
coordinate 2.00%
finance 1.92%
report 1.69%
resume 1.57%
ban 1.54%
curb 1.54%
conduct 1.47%
increase 1.47%
organise 0.45%
organise + n. >>共 302
election 6.12%
meeting 4.75%
event 3.80%
activity 2.74%
poll 2.53%
demonstration 2.22%
seminar 1.90%
trip 1.79%
referendum 1.79%
conference 1.79%
每页显示:    共 26