1.   Add orange zest and chestnuts and saute for a couple of minutes.

2.   Fold in the ground almonds and reserved orange zest.

3.   In a small saucepan, melt the butter and add the orange zest and fresh mint, finely chopped.

4.   Mix the Grape Nuts, orange zest, oat flakes, cinnamon and cloves in a bowl and spread over the mixture.

5.   Stir in reserved ground cumin and coriander, reserved orange zest, and salt and pepper.

6.   Baked in an ornamental Bundt shape, with its snowy white glaze speckled with tiny bits of orange zest, it truly looks like a holiday cake.

7.   Beat in the eggs, orange zest and vanilla.

8.   Blend in the egg and orange zest, scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed.

9.   A garnish of julienned candied orange zest provides a simple but lovely garnish.

10.   A crystal candy jar of pecans crusty with burnt sugar and orange zest.

a. + zest >>共 71
orange 47.64%
citrus 3.66%
grated 2.62%
new 2.09%
great 1.57%
same 1.57%
similar 1.57%
a 1.05%
fragrant 1.05%
old 1.05%
orange + n. >>共 763
juice 23.03%
peel 3.88%
zest 2.66%
grove 1.84%
tree 1.75%
glow 1.69%
flame 1.63%
slice 1.49%
jumpsuit 1.46%
march 1.31%
每页显示:    共 90