1.   The opening screen will prompt you to create a new connection and give it a name.

2.   The VGA graphics on the opening screens and of the cars themselves are amazing.

3.   And before it came along, America Online had the same idea, which it proudly displays in its opening screen.

4.   And once past the opening screens, Genie users are usually tossed back into the text-only service.

5.   AOL recently updated its opening screens, giving them a more colorful, more intuitive command structure.

6.   At a press conference on the opening screen, players are assigned to solve a crime.

7.   At the opening screen, the child can select a poem from an illustrated menu.

8.   A blond Barbie in a tight miniskirt appeared on the opening screen of www.barbie.com.

9.   After the opening screen appeared, Zoe intuitively clicked on Find.

10.   After the opening screen comes up, inviting you to join HAL-PC, the line test will begin.

a. + screen >>共 717
big 14.93%
video 11.07%
giant 7.51%
small 5.91%
large 5.17%
huge 2.05%
blank 1.31%
flat 1.14%
tiny 1.11%
opening 1.06%
opening + n. >>共 387
day 11.10%
ceremony 8.39%
match 6.12%
statement 5.94%
round 5.65%
game 5.12%
session 2.85%
minute 1.97%
set 1.91%
bell 1.89%
screen 0.33%
每页显示:    共 37