1.   But the coalition will have only few days to build opposition.

2.   Forbes beat Sen. Bob Dole, whose campaign only few days earlier had been predicting victory in Arizona.

3.   The new ceilings are brushed aluminum, but only few ceramic floor tiles needed replacing.

4.   Which brings us to Labor Day, aptly named because we are about to embark on the only few productive weeks of the year.

5.   Over the rest of the area the skies were generally fair with only few clouds and very little shower activity.

6.   Prince to stay only few days after return.

7.   Activities mainly centered on the short-term to medium-term and only few big local commercial banks and foreign banks were offering to selective financial institutions.

8.   Belgrade has proposed that the Montenegro-Serbian partnership be redrawn to permit a loose federation with only few common functions such as defense, foreign affairs and currency.

9.   But only few cases are solved by the police because the minors fear retribution or work as prostitutes to make money.

10.   But so far, no Serbs have joined the corps and only few other minorities have been involved.

d. + few >>共 86
very 40.77%
too 19.39%
so 15.72%
relatively 8.40%
as 2.55%
how 2.39%
surprisingly 1.23%
first 0.94%
comparatively 0.89%
only 0.78%
only + a. >>共 674
one 18.20%
a_few 10.29%
two 8.59%
three 4.54%
four 2.98%
five 1.92%
six 1.37%
major 1.17%
minor 1.09%
seven 0.99%
few 0.05%
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