1.   The only exception is in cases of self-defense, which seems unlikely in a confrontation with the pygmy owl.

2.   The only exception is when you need unique expertise not required on a permanent basis.

3.   The only exception to this happy situation is the case study or historical thesis or dissertation.

4.   The only exception to this new policy would be Visa cards.

5.   The only exception was among my childhood friends or old school classmates.

6.   The only exception was in war periods when it became customary to meet part of the additional spending through borrowing.

7.   The only exception, Hall argues, is if a new entrepreneurial tradition could be created in the inner city.

8.   Tramps seem to be the only exception to this general rule.Beggars almost sell themselves as human being to arouse the pity of passers-by.

9.   The only exception to the rounded, impregnable exterior is the richly carved stone porch, added in the fifteenth century to the south side.

10.   The only exception was the C.O.

a. + exception >>共 283
notable 16.05%
only 13.67%
possible 8.38%
rare 6.72%
the 4.93%
major 2.73%
lone 1.72%
glaring 1.61%
sole 1.61%
big 1.61%
only + n. >>共 948
way 8.07%
one 7.63%
thing 6.22%
player 1.94%
person 1.83%
country 1.79%
team 1.69%
time 1.66%
problem 1.62%
place 1.27%
exception 0.52%
每页显示:    共 229