1.   It requires only a little training and some one to lead it.

2.   Since those early years, only a little progress has been made.

3.   The grass continues to grow almost all year, so only a little winter fodder is needed.

4.   He had wiped the blood from the reliquary and only a little remained, stuck in the filigree of its thick little roof-disc.

5.   When she woke again only a little time had passed.

6.   But you also have only a little time.

7.   It was only a little tube at one fifty five?

8.   Annual federal budget deficits are only a little more than half what they were when Clinton took office.

9.   As Hollywood anxiously lurches toward a possible strike by writers, history offers only a little guidance on how bad it might get.

10.   As the assistant to the prince, Alexander is able to sneak in only a little shtick behind his bizarre accent.

d. + a_little >>共 42
just 23.23%
only 15.40%
more_than 12.63%
even 9.85%
at_least 6.82%
maybe 6.57%
not 5.05%
perhaps 2.78%
also 2.02%
how_about 2.02%
only + a. >>共 674
one 18.20%
a_few 10.29%
two 8.59%
three 4.54%
four 2.98%
five 1.92%
six 1.37%
major 1.17%
minor 1.09%
seven 0.99%
a_little 0.11%
每页显示:    共 61