1.   In other areas, from Louisiana and Texas to California, the oil bust has slowed or reversed the job growth enjoyed by the rest of the nation.

2.   Suddenly Oklahomans, still reeling financially and psychically from the oil bust a decade earlier, turned on their televisions and saw themselves as heroes.

3.   Then the bottom fell out, triggered by the oil industry bust and the collapse of the savings and loan industry that had made many of those bad loans.

4.   When the oil bust hit, he moved on, eventually buying the Texas Rangers baseball team, aided by family connections and a willing group of investors.

n. + bust >>共 73
drug 38.56%
dot-com 7.20%
first-round 3.39%
plaster 2.54%
technology 2.12%
cycle 1.69%
draft 1.69%
oil 1.69%
portrait 1.69%
year 1.69%
oil + n. >>共 374
company 15.46%
price 14.04%
industry 3.75%
export 2.88%
production 2.17%
stock 2.15%
producer 2.12%
refinery 2.08%
sale 2.01%
spill 1.84%
bust 0.02%
每页显示:    共 4