1.   As all that space is coming onto the market, so will eight fold increases in prime office property in Beijing and Shanghai.

2.   Boston-based Beacon is one of the most active buyers of office properties.

3.   Accion owns three office buildings, nine retail centers and two small office condominium properties.

4.   According to respondents, investors are buying suburban office, industrial, hotel, research and development, and downtown office properties, the same as last year.

5.   Accion owns three office buildings, nine retail centers and two small office condominium properties, and is building two more office complexes.

6.   Conversely, U.S. office properties, particularly those located in the suburbs, are rebounding from the recession in the early part of the decade.

7.   Crescent mainly owns office properties, psychiatric hospitals and residential land developments throughout the Southwest.

8.   Financier and real estate tycoon Sam Zell has set his sights on office properties in recent years and the bet has paid off handsomely.

9.   For much of the last year, office properties located outside of downtown districts were the best performers in the commercial real estate market.

10.   For the third year in a row, office properties were judged to be the most attractive property investment.

n. + property >>共 366
government 10.47%
rental 6.66%
school 4.41%
medium 4.04%
office 3.52%
city 3.52%
hotel 2.99%
company 2.02%
waterfront 1.94%
investment 1.87%
office + n. >>共 820
building 18.80%
space 8.69%
worker 6.86%
tower 3.63%
equipment 2.85%
manager 2.14%
supply 1.69%
hour 1.65%
furniture 1.57%
window 1.48%
property 0.60%
每页显示:    共 47