1.   Both the Foster papers and the travel office flap are small potatoes.

2.   The travel office flap suggests someone who carelessly threw her weight around and hurt people.

3.   The whole travel office flap was more of a distasteful, minor political miscalculation than a major abuse of power.

n. + flap >>共 114
tent 6.40%
ear 5.91%
flag 4.93%
wing 4.93%
campaign 2.96%
cat 2.46%
office 1.97%
mud 1.97%
mutton 1.97%
tram 1.97%
office + n. >>共 820
building 18.80%
space 8.69%
worker 6.86%
tower 3.63%
equipment 2.85%
manager 2.14%
supply 1.69%
hour 1.65%
furniture 1.57%
window 1.48%
flap 0.05%
每页显示:    共 4