1.   As well as investigating the activities of individual authorities, it publishes papers which compare practice and offer suggestions for improvement.

2.   Cooper and Santos emphasized that their job was not to investigate specific incidents but to listen and offer suggestions.

3.   It reviews current practices and offers suggestions for their improvement through the development of affirmative assessment.

4.   Let me offer a few suggestions.

5.   Rather, offer the suggestion and see if there is interest.

6.   These channels are described in more detail in specialist publications which also offer helpful suggestions on how and when to use them.

7.   This month he offers some suggestions on nipping all of them in the bud.

8.   The document has been criticized by environmentalists for merely offering suggestions and not setting out proposals for action.

9.   I asked Mrs Durrant what suggestion she could offer local parents whose children have similar difficulties.

v. + suggestion >>共 312
reject 20.05%
dismiss 13.17%
make 9.45%
offer 5.78%
have 5.61%
deny 5.08%
dispute 1.95%
brush_aside 1.41%
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resist 1.13%
offer + n. >>共 1031
service 4.65%
advice 1.73%
detail 1.62%
support 1.47%
help 1.35%
explanation 1.32%
evidence 1.09%
job 1.09%
opportunity 1.08%
discount 1.03%
suggestion 0.56%
每页显示:    共 204