1.   They were under the impression that all strike offenses had to be violent or serious.

2.   Along with increased aggression in rebounding and on defense, the Clipper offense had enough flow to make it go.

3.   Although Baltimore has been described as a one-dimensional team, thanks to a great defense, the offense has some punch coming back.

4.   An offense has to have something to hang its hat on, and it has to complement the other part.

5.   And even Otton believes the offense already has an advantage over a year ago, though it may not be experience.

6.   And of course, the offense will have had one more year to adjust to Babers.

7.   And their offense has, to be charitable, room for improvement.

8.   As has been the case for most the season, the Clippers offense had little going for much of the game.

9.   Aside from two fourth-quarter touchdowns, the Bruins offense had little to boast about.

10.   ASU offensive coordinator Dan Cozzetto said the offense will have to adjust to what Ohio State allows, and must vary its attack.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
government 1.92%
team 1.89%
people 1.78%
country 1.14%
state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
offense 0.06%
offense + v. >>共 416
be 27.39%
have 4.55%
struggle 2.64%
go 2.60%
do 2.53%
come 1.94%
take 1.86%
sputter 1.86%
score 1.83%
carry 1.75%
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