1.   Development of the land by companies and individuals under temporary occupation licence, he said, would save the nation millions of ringgit.

2.   Every land title is in a form of lease or temporary occupation licence, similar to the one granted to a non-native.

3.   He said the Government does not condone the illegal cultivation of land and advises the farmers involved to apply for temporary occupation licences.

4.   What these comprise is not immediately clear but in all probability these might be State land including plots under temporary occupation licences.

n. + licence >>共 88
export 10.76%
gun 7.17%
business 5.83%
government 5.38%
entertainment 5.38%
import 4.93%
television 3.14%
taxi 2.69%
firearm 2.24%
occupation 1.79%
occupation + n. >>共 44
force 45.38%
zone 10.77%
troop 10.77%
authority 6.15%
army 4.23%
duty 2.31%
licence 1.54%
government 1.15%
soldier 1.15%
agreement 0.77%
每页显示:    共 4