1.   Any more massive star that exhausts its nuclear fuel will collapse completely under its own gravity.

2.   At that stage the inspector did not mention spent nuclear fuel.

3.   Events prove that, in the context of reprocessing spent nuclear fuel, his prediction is being realised.

4.   Eventually, however, the star will run out of its hydrogen and other nuclear fuels.

5.   Officials have still to Decide how the radioactive dust and nuclear fuel inside should be cleaned up.

6.   Reprocessing is a necessary first step towards recycling nuclear fuel.

7.   The main motivation in signing reprocessing contracts will simply be to offload spent nuclear fuel on to some one else.

8.   The production of nuclear fuel was developed and other aspects of the fuel cycle investigated.

9.   What do we do with the spent nuclear fuel?

10.   When nuclear fuel is manufactured it is encased in metal cans.

a. + fuel >>共 668
nuclear 11.94%
spent 8.67%
heating 4.19%
higher 3.69%
alternative 3.45%
high 2.52%
new 2.23%
cleaner 1.86%
domestic 1.38%
rising 1.35%
nuclear + n. >>共 455
test 12.07%
plant 5.46%
waste 3.91%
arm 3.72%
program 3.53%
material 3.17%
arsenal 3.16%
bomb 3.05%
warhead 2.63%
fuel 2.42%
每页显示:    共 447