1.   Models of mucosal damage in which a noxious agent such as ethanol is employed are simply not relevant to chronic duodenal ulcer.

2.   The gastric mucosa resists the corrosive effects of peptic hydrochloric acid secretion and noxious extrinsic agents.

3.   The poison control center found no evidence that a noxious agent had been released in London that night.

a. + agent >>共 1157
federal 16.85%
undercover 4.39%
former 3.99%
insurance 3.62%
special 2.56%
israeli 2.49%
biological 2.10%
literary 1.91%
north_korean 1.88%
chemical 1.78%
noxious 0.06%
noxious + n. >>共 91
fume 23.86%
gas 12.28%
weed 5.96%
odor 4.91%
chemical 4.21%
substance 3.86%
emission 2.81%
smoke 2.46%
cloud 2.11%
agent 1.75%
每页显示:    共 5