1.   Again, it is not surprising that most Christians find this theory totally unacceptable.

2.   Given the costs to the individual voter of acquiring this kind of information, it is not surprising that intermediaries have emerged.

3.   In extreme situations like this it is not surprising that the local population becomes angered.

4.   In this sense it is not surprising that the study of social policy has been deeply concerned with the improvement of policies.

5.   It is not surprising that a high proportion of patients burst into tears as soon as the physiotherapist begins work.

6.   It is not surprising that NSU neurosis occurs in many cases.

7.   It is not surprising that phrases do not stick in the mind.

8.   It is not surprising that the government was hesitant to introduce such major reforms.

d. + surprising >>共 98
not 44.06%
hardly 9.43%
most 9.27%
more 7.14%
somewhat 3.13%
so 2.60%
as 2.14%
that 1.25%
less 1.04%
very 1.04%
not + a. >>共 760
clear 8.66%
all 5.89%
available 4.58%
guilty 2.19%
enough 2.18%
alone 1.96%
sure 1.95%
likely 1.91%
every 1.47%
easy 1.34%
surprising 0.87%
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