1.   Fortunately, the damage to the car was not serious.

2.   Probably because it is high entertainment, not serious social comment or great literature.

3.   The error involved seems likely to be small relative to other uncertain-ties noted and, if so, is not serious.

4.   The fact that there are no black officers in the entire regiment reveals that the army is not serious about its anti-discrimination policies.

5.   There is a slight infection in the lung which in itself is not serious.

6.   Happily, his injuries were not serious.

7.   Happily, his neck injuries were not serious.

8.   However, the Syrian delegation said that the document failed to address the question of an Israeli withdrawal from the Golan and was therefore not serious.

9.   She was treated for a cut on her head but the injury was not serious and she is continuing her holiday in Cyprus.

10.   Two others were detained overnight for observation, but it is understood the injuries were not serious.

d. + serious >>共 216
more 32.00%
most 20.45%
very 6.38%
not 6.19%
less 4.71%
how 3.94%
as 2.96%
so 2.00%
potentially 1.77%
too 1.55%
not + a. >>共 760
clear 8.66%
all 5.89%
available 4.58%
guilty 2.19%
enough 2.18%
alone 1.96%
sure 1.95%
likely 1.91%
every 1.47%
easy 1.34%
serious 0.44%
每页显示:    共 428