1.   We must consolidate our expertise and where that expertise is not evident, we must create it.

2.   Appearances were consistent with sclerosing cholangitis, although diagnostic duct lesions were not evident.

3.   Eosinophils were not evident in the inflammatory cell infiltrate.

4.   The opportunity to test microdialysis acutely in man was provided by stereotaxic treatment in parkinsonism but its clinical value in this context is not evident.

5.   But rampaging materialism was not evident in Port Glasgow.

6.   As of Wednesday evening, the telltale signs of previous searches were not evident.

7.   A kind of fearlessness exists among the younger players that was not evident in a previous generation of Americans.

8.   Abdul-Aziz also reveals admiration for what Israel has accomplished, implying an ability to coexist not evident from his other comments.

9.   Both groups reflected a religious strength not evident in many urban communities.

10.   But if they missed the charm and wonder of that crackerbox on Tuesday night, it was not evident.

d. + evident >>共 138
more 18.48%
also 7.58%
most 6.57%
not 5.41%
already 5.10%
still 4.56%
particularly 3.63%
immediately 3.17%
everywhere 2.94%
less 2.78%
not + a. >>共 760
clear 8.66%
all 5.89%
available 4.58%
guilty 2.19%
enough 2.18%
alone 1.96%
sure 1.95%
likely 1.91%
every 1.47%
easy 1.34%
evident 0.07%
每页显示:    共 70