1.   Every northern town, they say, is under their control except Mosul, which they claim to have surrounded.

2.   In the tiny northern town of Sugar Hill, the police chief picks one day a month and issues tickets.

3.   On the other hand, its members were scattered all over the United Kingdom, which made a northern town central.

4.   The events which followed put the police force of a large northern town on full alert for a missing officer.

5.   There were some brief notes to Rose - from Sheffield, Newcastle and other Northern towns.

6.   They have in one northern town, anyway.

7.   By the end of March the Iraqi armed forces had suppressed the southern rebellion and had recaptured a number of northern towns from Kurdish guerrillas.

8.   And by Tuesday evening, no Katyusha rockets had crossed the border to land on Qiryat Shemona or other northern Israeli towns.

9.   Barak is kissed by an Israeli Arab during a campaign stop in the northern Israeli town, Wednesday.

10.   According to law enforcement authorities, Carrillo had been among the overflow crowd at the church in that northern Mexican town that day.

a. + town >>共 667
small 13.85%
northern 3.86%
palestinian 3.66%
southern 3.15%
home 2.44%
nearby 1.94%
main 1.83%
major 1.73%
little 1.66%
coastal 1.57%
northern + n. >>共 393
alliance 10.37%
state 6.68%
part 5.65%
town 5.16%
city 5.03%
region 4.50%
border 3.03%
suburb 2.48%
province 2.41%
port 1.99%
每页显示:    共 581