1.   Any replies will arrive through the normal channels.

2.   Blue searched through all the normal channels and came up empty.

3.   Switching to the Normal channel I would say that using the crunch option for rock solo work is a matter of taste.

4.   The last control on this channel is a volume pot which enables it to be balanced with the Normal channel.

5.   You know how long these things can take through normal channels ....

6.   Though he sometimes raised the possibility of having to step outside normal channels if certain people were to stifle democracy, this was just provocative rhetoric.

7.   This green paper is capable of being commented on, by this sub-committee through, our normal channel would be the A C C.

8.   We would like to provide dental care through ther normal channels and dentists in Swindon would like to go back to offering that service.

9.   And the level of play will only improve if the right players arrive from outside the normal channels of the US system.

10.   Before taxpayers can turn to Problem Resolution, they must first exhaust normal channels, calling the number listed on the bottom of any notice sent by the IRS.

a. + channel >>共 618
new 9.84%
diplomatic 7.66%
private 2.99%
local 2.85%
official 2.49%
normal 2.07%
shopping 1.85%
digital 1.82%
legal 1.82%
main 1.57%
normal + n. >>共 1752
life 6.25%
level 2.52%
trade 2.32%
circumstance 2.29%
relation 1.88%
time 1.84%
operation 1.83%
procedure 1.31%
activity 1.30%
condition 1.29%
channel 0.60%
每页显示:    共 58