1.   Do not move during the period a plant is producing cones or putting on new foliage.

2.   Energetic gardeners remove the tubers in October when the tubers stop producing new foliage.

3.   If the leaves do not respond well to the vinegar bath, wait for new foliage to sprout and remove dusted leaves.

4.   It is a pest-free substitute for those who like red-tip photinias, because cleyera, too, has coppery-red new foliage.

5.   New foliage will sprout in spring.

6.   Overwatering also will trigger bud drop, and sometimes new foliage may have blackened edges.

7.   Right now, after flowering, is ideal, as is spring, when the new foliage has just appeared.

8.   Some will go dormant a bit early, while others will sprout neat new foliage.

9.   The petunias will bounce back with bushy new foliage and an abundance of flowers until frost, but regrowth takes weeks.

10.   The plant keeps producing blossoms and fruit but not much new foliage.

a. + foliage >>共 221
green 8.98%
dense 5.79%
dark 3.79%
thick 3.19%
lush 2.79%
tropical 2.59%
autumn 2.59%
new 2.40%
dead 2.20%
glossy 1.80%
new + n. >>共 1218
government 2.04%
law 1.71%
rule 1.20%
technology 1.10%
company 0.99%
system 0.93%
product 0.92%
one 0.87%
job 0.82%
election 0.74%
foliage 0%
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