1.   As I have already suggested, unless care is taken, work in the house can become a focus for negative emotions.

2.   But all people have experience of negative emotions such as fear and anger.

3.   Conscious work on negative emotions makes the entrance of positive emotions more and more certain, as each day passes.

4.   The more positive emotions come from the inner part of the emotional centre, the negative emotions from the outer part.

5.   This research project aims to do just that, by looking at positive rather than negative emotions.

6.   We begin by looking at the negative emotions.

7.   While we are the prey of negative emotions we merely exist.

8.   Furthermore, not only are negative emotions suppressed, but the control of an outward show of pleasant emotions in public is also rarely relaxed in Japan.

9.   Activity in the right is increased, which means the babies are vulnerable to experiencing negative emotions.

10.   After acknowledging those negative emotions, the group can refocus its attention on the parts of the situation it can control.

a. + emotion >>共 549
mixed 7.50%
strong 5.79%
human 4.45%
raw 3.70%
conflicting 3.38%
intense 2.36%
deep 2.20%
high 1.93%
negative 1.93%
real 1.82%
negative + n. >>共 671
effect 6.14%
impact 6.12%
territory 3.75%
publicity 3.65%
reaction 2.99%
ad 2.76%
news 2.12%
image 2.07%
growth 1.94%
comment 1.73%
emotion 0.58%
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