1.   One enthusiastic supporter more than a century ago offered to go without pudding for a year to raise much-needed funds.

2.   Stan was running a business and needed funds to buy stock and time to work on new finds.

3.   As secretary-general I have taken every conceivable step to acquire the needed funds.

4.   But the U.N. provided much more than needed funds for El Salvador.

5.   Congress should promptly put that fight aside and approve the needed funds.

6.   Few independent analysts, however, believe it would be possible to weed out speculative investment from legitimate investment without scaring off desperately needed foreign funds altogether.

7.   He has promised to deliver some much-needed funds to his partisan pals back in Italy.

8.   His excuse for such irrational behavior is gaining the needed funds for his research, but greed is greed, whether or not it goes to a nonprofit cause.

9.   In his talk with Clinton, Yeltsin sought American pressure on the fund to speedily complete negotiations so that the Kremlin could obtain desperately needed funds.

10.   Instead of guessing at needed funds, fire costs were included in a supplemental budget presented to Congress at the end of the fire season.

a. + fund >>共 655
federal 8.99%
public 8.09%
stock 6.13%
new 4.02%
foreign 3.51%
state 2.82%
additional 1.95%
international 1.89%
private 1.77%
matching 1.59%
needed 0.40%
needed + n. >>共 835
reform 3.39%
food 3.05%
cash 3.02%
boost 2.93%
investment 2.37%
aid 2.12%
fund 1.65%
supply 1.62%
capital 1.59%
money 1.34%
每页显示:    共 53