1.   Another mystery surrounds the only example of body armour to be found among the primates.

2.   Mystery has always surrounded the purpose of the great stone circle of Stonehenge.

3.   MYSTERY surrounds more race hate mail sent to several households in Darlington.

4.   Mystery still surrounds the exact nature of the accident.

5.   A further mystery surrounds the money.

6.   A mystery surrounded his disappearance.

7.   Even more mystery surrounds the Best Actress category.

8.   However, precise details of the events are surrounded by mystery.

9.   Less mystery surrounds the poor prognosis for spiny lobsters.

n. + surround >>共 893
police 10.67%
troop 4.34%
force 3.56%
soldier 2.22%
controversy 1.84%
people 1.63%
dozen 1.57%
mystery 1.49%
water 1.28%
hundred 1.25%
mystery + v. >>共 127
be 50.22%
surround 7.47%
remain 6.00%
deepen 4.39%
begin 1.61%
have 1.46%
continue 1.32%
end 1.17%
solve 1.02%
start 0.88%
每页显示:    共 51