1.   I like the mother cat who was walking down the street with her kittens.

2.   Is the mother of all mother cats going to make it?

3.   Media today are like the demented mother cats that eat their young.

4.   The mother cat barked several times and the dog ran away.

5.   The mother cat apparently disappeared shortly after giving birth.

n. + cat >>共 87
house 17.93%
jungle 4.89%
neighborhood 4.35%
pussy 4.35%
kitty 2.72%
mother 2.72%
donor 2.17%
farm 2.17%
sabertooth 2.17%
tortoiseshell 2.17%
mother + n. >>共 271
plant 5.30%
church 2.95%
bear 2.55%
company 2.55%
life 2.55%
board 1.57%
wolf 1.57%
bulb 1.38%
works 1.38%
mouse 1.18%
cat 0.98%
每页显示:    共 5