1.   We concentrate most on teaching the core skills of reading, writing, and mathematics.

2.   The hardship of saving water will fall most on the poorest people.

3.   Although myriad topics are covered in short, two-page segments, the graphics keep this book more lively than most on the subject.

4.   Among stocks that fell, disk-drive makers lost the most on fears that increased supply will drive down prices.

5.   Arrange them to get the most on the space.

6.   Banks, brokerages, steels and other shares sensitive to interest rates rose the most on the week.

7.   Boston University coach Jack Parker focuses most on the face mask.

8.   But it was Sosa whom fans wanted to see most on this glorious day in the Valley.

9.   But Roy was as shocked as Bourque when the trade was made, because most on the Avalanche thought Bourque was bound for Philadelphia, as he had requested.

10.   But the groups have capitalized most on a new fatherhood push, with politicians and advocates nationwide publicizing the unique contributions of the male parent.

n. + on >>共 1528
pressure 1.52%
report 1.14%
comment 1.06%
decision 0.94%
agreement 0.93%
impact 0.90%
restriction 0.85%
work 0.67%
detail 0.57%
price 0.54%
most 0.02%
most + p. >>共 32
of 92.84%
in 1.65%
from 1.22%
to 0.70%
at 0.63%
out_of 0.54%
about 0.43%
by 0.26%
on 0.26%
for 0.24%
每页显示:    共 85