1.   Among the other losers on mortgage derivatives was the Shoshone tribe, which resides on the Wind River Reservation in southwest Wyoming.

2.   Certain mortgage derivatives have recently proved quite illiquid, as interest rates have climbed.

3.   Mortgage derivatives are highly risky bets on the direction of interest rates.

4.   One way of looking at the populariry of mortgage derivatives is to look at their total volume as a percentage of new mortgage securities.

5.   So he told investors the mortgage derivative securities his firm owned were worth what the model said, not what bidders were willing to pay.

6.   The short-term bond fund category has been tarnished this year as a dozen funds suffered big losses because of bad bets on risky mortgage derivatives.

7.   UBS Securities Inc., New York, the brokerage unit of Union Bank of Switzerland, named Joseph Sturtevant managing director and head of its mortgage derivatives trading.

8.   Askin told investors he used price quotes from derivatives dealers to value his volatile mortgage derivatives.

n. + derivative >>共 87
equity 12.62%
credit 6.80%
beef 4.37%
market 3.88%
morphine 3.88%
mortgage 3.88%
oil 2.91%
weather 2.91%
amphetamine 2.43%
opium 2.43%
mortgage + n. >>共 252
payment 9.38%
security 8.20%
bond 6.83%
lender 6.67%
loan 6.28%
company 6.12%
broker 4.20%
interest 2.75%
business 2.47%
deduction 2.43%
derivative 0.31%
每页显示:    共 8